A priest and a farmer were playing golf, the farmer tees off on the first
but his mighty swing fails to connect with the ball.
"Fuck! " shouts the farmer. "Missed the bastard"
The priest is taken aback, "Don't curse like that John or the Lord will smite you".
"Sorry father" says John.
But at the second hole he does the same wild swing as on the first, and he misses again.
"Fuck!" he cries. "Missed the bastard".
Now the priest is annoyed.
"Stop swearing like that John" he says, "Or the Lord will most certainly smite you dead".
"Sorry father" says John.
But at the third he makes all the same mistakes with his swing and misses yet again.
The clouds roll back. The heavens open and a lightening bold
comes screaming down and strikes the priest, killing him instantly.
Out from heaven a deep voice cries:
"Fuck! Missed the Bastard"
The Perfect system has never been created.
But TREND makes the ATS-ZB32 almost Perfect.