The farmer thought his rooster was getting too old to
properly perform his duties in the henhouse, so he bought
a young, healthy rooster and puts him out in the yard.
The old rooster says: "So, you think you are going to take away my job?
First you have to beat me in a foot race.
Since I am so much older than you, give me a head start.
The young rooster gives him a 5 second lead and starts running,
expecting to pass the old rooster quickly. To his surprise, the old one is pretty fast, but he is gaining on him.
Then the farmer comes out the back door with a shotgun and blows the young rooster away, muttering to himself:
"That's the third rooster I have bought this week
that prefers roosters instead of chickens!"
The Perfect system has never been created.
But TREND makes the ATS-ZB32 almost Perfect.