In Chrome; Click on 'Show all'. Then click on 'Keep' and 'Keep anyway'.
The system can only be installed on one computer.
  • Download "InstallZB32.exe" to your Desktop.
  • Click on "InstallZB32.exe" to install the system.
  • The system will install in the folder: c:\AtsZB32.
  • Go to: "c:\AtsZB32" and save a link on your desktop.
You have to register the ATS-ZB32 before you can use it.
  • Start the ATS-ZB32.
  • Close the 'Login' window.
  • Click on "Help" => "About" => "Register'.
  • Complete the registration form and send it to 'ATS'.
  • You will be assigned a login "Pin" for the FREE TRIAL.
  • After you recieve confirmation from 'ATS'.
  • Go to "Help" to learn how to use the system.
  • The Free Trial is good for 30 days.
  • If you need Help contact "ATS".
After installing the system
Please upgrade module: ZB32.DLL
You can find the instructions in the 'Help'.

The system works on a Windows computer only.

The system cannot be installed on a
Windows server, a Cloud server or a Network.

Note: This file is guaranteed safe and free from viruses.

After you download the demo and click on InstallZB32.exe
your Windows virus protection may block you.

This is a new program(file) and is not well known yet.
Enter the 'error' mesage you received in Google and search for a solution.
I solve all my problems this way in minutes, or contact ATS.

Trading Futures and Options involves substantial risk. It is not suitable for all investors.