Advanced Trading Systems Inc.

"ATS" is a developer of Long Term ALGO Trading Systems.
"ATS" was started in 1996.

The first system that was created was the ATS-3200.
I started trading the ATS-3200 in 1993 and made 85% in the first 6 months.

In 2017 I started working to improve the ATS-3200.

When the performance increased by more than 100%, I decided to make
the new ATS-3200 into a separate new system, and called it the ATS-ZB32.

Charles J. Tanti B.Sc.(Eng). Developer.

About the Developer.

The ATS Story: How the ATS-3200 was born.

Credential: Interviews about the "ATS" systems.

Trading at Striker Securities in Chicago.

Time 4a Break!!! A Joke a day keeps the Doctor Away.